[Introduction] [capacitors] [Resistors] [Tubes]

Tube Amp Components

So you want to learn to work on your own amp, but aren't sure where to start? Try here.

Up Front

Before messing around in the amp, I would do some reading in one of the books available, and/or spend some time in DejaNews reading up on things like discharging power capacitors. That's what those big honkers are - and you do want to mess with them - very carefully - to discharge them.

Yes, the voltages are painful, and potentially lethal. A reasonable amount of care will keep you safe. Again, read up.

Finally, for now and in the immediate future, you should always make sure your amp is unplugged before you reach into its guts. There are times to reach into a powered up amp, but now isn't one of them.


The main electronic parts in your amp are tubes or transistors, transformers, capacitors, resistors, potentiometers (aka pots), and fuses. There are also various wires, connectors, sockets and plugs, but these should be easy to identify. 8^)

Additionally there are a few other terms you will want to know.

[Introduction] [capacitors] [Resistors] [Tubes]