*PLONK* Whine, Demand, Whatever *PLONK*

*PLONK* a t.b Wuh Wuh Wuh Entry *PLONK*

Note: This is an HTML form. You must have a browser that supports forms in order to use it. If you have difficulties, you can send email directly to meo@pencom.com .

Enter your message in the areas provided below. Be sure to fill out all of the fields. Failure to comply will result in your being the object of much derision in several random newsfroups.

Your Name Here!

Your (preferably valid) Email Address

Why you should have a Wuh Wuh Wuh link to your pages:

(Include URL.) [All decisions of the judges are final. Boring pages will be, at best, relegated to the TBOL pages - a fate worse than losing bowel control when meeting Presidents, favorite stars, etc. Judges include members drawn completely in crayon from the t.b.cabal (TINC), the t.b.s.c, and whomever survived the volcano this month.]

Now what?

  • your application.
  • (initiate form self-destruct sequence).
  • abandon your message and return to the t.b homepage.

  • Thanks to Thomas Boutell for the templates.

    Last updated: 19 Jul 1994


    These pages are netscape-dehanced to get that total, virtually bizarre, scent.


    Miles O'Neal, <meo@rru.com>
    Rte 1, Box 558 / Leander, TX / 78641-9413
    Web space provided by Schober O'Neal.