What Makes Christian Music?

This was my response to someone's dogmatic diatribe on what makes music "Christian". I took the liberty of cleaning up spelling errors where I noticed them.
Newsgroups: rec.music.christian
Subject: Re: Question on lyrics...
Date: 4 Nov 1993 19:17:22 GMT
Sender: meo@netads.com (Miles O'Neal)

Marco Linqoil Harris writes:

The Question:

Can religious music be Christian if it does not give complete and total glory to God?

Now when you answer this question you MUST answer with a scripture and then some possible human wording.

To answer the question I also give you [what you wrote]:

I Corinthians 10:31 Whether therfore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do ALL to the glory of God.

The problem is that you have too many implicit assumptions in your problem wording. Before you can expect reasonable ("come, let us reason together") answers, you have to explain what you mean. I would contend that there are various ways to give God glory through music, not all of which require a certain number of repetitions of Jesus' name...


Mark 8:38 (Jesus speaking)

	Whosoever therfore shall be ashamed of me and of my words...

The fact that I don't name every one of my children, pets, and vehicles "Jesus" in no ways implies that I am ashamed of Him.

Now this applies to all who water down to "minister to the masses". Now before the flaming starts remember that they must accompany a scripture otherwise they will not count as arguments.

Paul said he would "become all things to all people". So what is wrong with speaking the language of punks, metalheads, or even (God help me) top 40 teeny boppers? They don't speak religiospeak. You have to get their attention before they will really "hear" the Gospel, which they think they have heard already, when all they have heard is empty words, noisy brass, and clanging cymbals (see Paul on love in I Cor 13).

What gives God glory? "...not willing that any should perish..." and the subsequent verses tell me that if we are bringing people to Him, in His name, He gets His desire, which brings Him glory.

Consider the following C code. It is a "Glory to God" version of the nearly omnipresent "hello world" program. Does it really give God glory? I suppose that for some people in some circumstances, it does. But I also suspect that in most cases, a well-crafted program with no blatant "advertising", done by a person who everyone looks up to, who is "ready to give an account of smrtz faith", does a far better job.

----------------------------------start of code-------------------------------

 * Module:               GetSavedWorld.c
 * Author:               Holy Spirit
 * Coder:                Fred Fazed
 * Date:                 4th of Nov, in the Year of Our Lord 1993
 * Purpose:              Glorifies God
 * Side Effects:         demonstrates simple C program for babes in
 *                       the programming faithless
 * Requires:             link from /usr/include/stdio.h to
 *                       /usr/include/stdgospels.h

#include <stdgospels.h>

#define AllInAll main
#define bookv argv
#define bookc argc
#define Alpha {
#define Omega }
#define GreetInLove printf
#define Praise printf
#define Reveal printf
#define Armageddon exit

typedef int Divine;
typedef int Master;
typedef void Lucifer;
typedef char human;

Master AllInAll(bookc, bookv)

Divine bookc;
human bookv;

  (Lucifer) GreetInLove("Hello, fallen world!\n");
  (Lucifer) Praise("Praise God from whom all blessings flow!\n");
  (Lucifer) Reveal("Jesus died for your sins! Repent!\n");
  Armageddon (0);


-----------------------------------end of code--------------------------------

Last updated: 25 October 2001

Maintained by Miles O'Neal <meo@netads.com>.
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