Greeting Postcard Blues

I sailed the cambrian seas
In a boat of greenish spam
Fishing for new jersey
With bait named Sam-I-Am.

When Greasy Jane keels potes
Armadas spawn and die
While naugas in their saucers
Split the mesmosaic sky.

Oh! Waisted youth on pancakes,
Whose syruppy poems we read,
While conquering the Inca Spots
With records by Lou reed,

Canst nae thee, sir, hae naught
For burt, and gentle ernie too?
The sesame hae hae all baen squasht
By a bird as big as two.

Last updated: 29 Mar 1994

Copyright 1989, 1994 Miles O'Neal, Austin, TX. All rights reserved.

This article may be freely distributed via computer network or other electronic media, or printed out from such media, for personal use only. Any non-personal (ie, commercial) use of this article voids the warranty which prevents my wasting hundreds, if not thousands, of yours and my dollars in lawsuits. Commercial copy permission may be granted if, in the author's sole opinion, other usage of this article is for purposes the author holds near and dear to his heart and/or wallet. For such permission, contact the author via email at [remove the "XYZZY." to make things work!] or via mail at the address below. Appearing in person at the author's residence during daylight hours for a personal audience is also permitted, provided no weapons are brought along. This notice contains no MSG, sugar, artificial sweeteners, sunlight, air, or other known carcinogenic substances or energy forms.

1705 Oak Forest / Round Rock, TX / 78681-1514 / USA

This copyright may be freely used, distributed and modified subject to the conditions noted above in the preceeding paragraph.

Miles O'Neal <> [remove the "XYZZY." to make things work!] c/o RNN / 1705 Oak Forest Dr / Round Rock, TX / 78681-1514