This is the latest from Bloat!, from the forthcoming album, Fear & Loathing in the Cracker Barrel. We apologize for the change in lead vocalists in the middle of each bridge - we had a minor difficulty with the sound effects.

Whitehouse Cracker Soul

[incredibly, painfully beautiful guitar licks like Clapton hasn't come up with in decades]

If we're gonna have peace the world needs a push
But not the one given it by President Busch
He just made me want to pour myself a tall one

He said, "ante up if you want to play"
But wouldn't give the Russian President the time of day
I guess the New World he saw was a small one

What the world needs now is a New World Order
Like I need a hole in my head [Blam!]
What the world needs now is a one world government,
Like we need Joey Stalin running the Fed

[mournful, soulful guitar break like Keaggy used to give us]

I see we're on the edge of the precipice still
And all you can offer me is President Bill
A dead cat playing sax on the Gong Show with Miles Davis

We know he's just a puppet for Miss Hillary
Whose gonna haul us into federal surgery
And amputate our incomes, that will save us

What the world needs now is a New World Order
Like I need a hole in my head [Blam!]
What the world needs now ain't no new Frank Sinatra
Who'll croon whatever will get us into his bed

[start cool crunchy guitar duet intertwined with vocals]

What the world needs now is a New World Order
Like I need a hole in my head [Blam!]
What the world needs now is some sardines & crackers
With helpful lyrics like la la la la la la

Last updated: 31 Mar 1994

Copyright 1994 Miles O'Neal, Austin, TX. All rights reserved.

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Miles O'Neal <> [remove the "XYZZY." to make things work!] c/o RNN / 1705 Oak Forest Dr / Round Rock, TX / 78681-1514