The 7 Deadly Sins


  1. Not saying "excuse me" when you bump into the Godfather
  2. Bumping into the Zsa Zsa
  3. Putting Godzilla to bed without a goodnight story
  4. Eating the last piece of plutonium
  5. Peeing on a 100KVA power cable
  6. Not tipping your parachute packer
  7. Dining at Luby's without your gun


  1. Taking the last piece of chocolate.
  2. Not flushing the toilet.
  3. Missing the toilet (dudos).
  4. Interrupting a ball game (dudas).
  5. Perfidy.
  6. Botulism. (alt. Pinking)
  7. Taupe. (alt. Spam)

Last updated: 24 June 1996

Copyright 1995 Miles O'Neal, Austin, TX. All rights reserved.

Miles O'Neal <> [remove the "XYZZY." to make things work!] c/o RNN / 1705 Oak Forest Dr / Round Rock, TX / 78681-1514